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    Saturday 29 September 1962

    Panel: Liz Fraser, Stan Stennett, Tony Withers, Dawn Addams

    Producer: Neville Wortman

    Records played:
    The Longest Day – Mitch Miller (CBS) MISS
    Ever Since You Said Goodbye – Marty Wilde (Philips) HIT
    Moonglow – Sarah Vaughan (Columbia) MISS
    Junk Shop – Harry H Corbett (Pye) HIT
    Your Nose Is Gonna Grow – Johnny Crawford (London) MISS
    Your Nose Is Gonna Grow – Christine Quaife (Oriole) HIT
    Lover – Johnny De Little (Columbia) HIT
    A Wonderful Dream – Majors (London) MISS
    Pretty Jenny – Jess Conrad (Decca) HIT

    Letter from Beatrice Chalmers, Falkirk in Record Retailer: “Through your columns, may I, a record assistant, appeal to David Jacobs to put Juke Box Jury on a little later on Saturday evenings. You see, throughout the week, we are asked for records by the buying public but every often the only clue is ‘Three of them voted it a miss’ or some actress thought it was ‘smashing’ or it has ‘girl’ or ‘moon’ or ‘twist’ in the title. We want to to hear the programmes too but we do work for our wages and the boss pays us to serve customers until 6pm eery Saturday.” (041062)